Saturday, June 12, 2010

A New Perspective

So the idea of perception has been repeating itself in my brain for weeks now. My excuse for everyone now is "well that's your perspective." Which results in me thinking that nothing is really real. Too deep, eh? Well then that means this blog may only make sense to me and that is ok because I am writing this for me more than anyone else.

So every person is born into a different world of perspective, no one has the exact same perception of the world we all live in. I have blended perceptions from my parents and the world I grew up in. Some people don't see that getting a college degree is a necessity of life but through my teenage years I gained the perspective that if I don't get a college degree then I don't get a good job. This isn't always true. Plenty of people get "good jobs' without a degree. What is the definition of a good job though, thats a different perspective as well. Its a never ending cycle with this theme.

However, are these perceptions that we have in our minds, created by our own minds or someone else's? Because I was raised by two liberal parents, would I still see race, sexuality, and religion the same way I do now? Most likely not. So this perception I have is a vulnerable idea that many people have more power over than they know. Our perceptions are always changing with every experience.

Maybe I have this idea of perception all wrong but if everyone sees something different so what is the truth to everything if we all have a different perception? Is there a truth except that we all have a different perception of how everything should be?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Great Expectations

So I have been wanting to write these thoughts out for a while now but just can 't seem to get them together to make sense. So why not just type and see where my mind takes me, and whoever is reading this for that matter.

Lately I have begun to think that we as a society have set our expectations for our lives way too high. Most of the things we stress about don't even matter. Like why do we debate about half of things we do. Currently I have CNN on and they are talking about Sandra Bullock's adoption and how the race is an issue. Does it really matter? Seriously? An innocent child just got adopted by an Oscar winning actress who has a ton of money and wanted a baby. I can think of a million things worse. Why focus our attention on an issue like this? Maybe race wouldn't be such an issue if we didn't make it an issue so much.

Ok, back to my original though of great expectations. I believe our society often loses sight of the big picture. If you think about the other 6.6 billion people on this planet, I am sure your problems won't seem like problems at all. Of course I know we all lose sight of this, including myself. However, I feel like we need to be reminded of how great a simple life can be. My happiest memories do not involve any material things, it was the people and location that were the biggest factors. Different people and places are what this world has the most of and are which make me the happiest. Its not the perfect birthday cake that made the birthday special, it was the people I shared it with.

When I was in the Dominican Republic, people were all outside, enjoying each other. They didn't have tv's or computers to isolate themselves from each other. For entertainment, they had to interact, but walking down a dirt street in a small town in the Dominican Republic, was where I saw some of the happiest people in my life. Our bus driver for the week always had a huge grin on his face. Even though, half of our group could not communicate with him, just a smile made our day.

All of this "stuff" in our lives is blocking the view of the big picture.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Update on my big girl life

So whoever is reading this, I would hope you know I have moved to San Diego, CA. If you didn't know this, we aren't really friends haha.

Anyways, here I am finishing up my third month in the beautiful San Diego. My life has transformed. I have gone from waitress to working in the events department for a non-profit. Pretty much starting out at the bottom of the chain but hopefully it will take me to the top one day somewhere, who knows where.

I like my job most days. I am still dealing with "the public" which is where most of my battles come into play. Since I have a degree in Communication, its hard to realize that not everyone understands the importance of communication. Also, 75% of the people do not read/follow directions so I have to contact them and instruct them personally. So realizing how much time I could save if people followed directions in the first place, makes me a little frustrated.

I am living with my aunt since San Diego is crazy expensive. Being a semi recent grad, a server before I arrived, and now starting at the bottom of the chain at a nonprofit, the funds aren't exactly there to be completely independent quite yet. I like to call it being smart, not dependent. I enjoy it for the most part. Thanks to my amazing parents, I have my car and all the important things I need to make my room my own.

I believe that making friends in a new city can be the hardest but most rewarding experience. You can completely reinvent yourself. I am unsure if I have completely done this but I am sure I have on some level. I am only 22, reinventing myself is a daily task. Being this age has taught me that I think I have life figured out but can change my mind in a second. Who knows where my life will take me, haven't I said this before?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

TV/Movies: Friend or Enemy?

So I really wanted to listen to this song I had heard on Grey's Anatomy so I muted the tv. Then I felt like I couldn't really feel/hear the song with the tv's images flashing before my face so I turned off the tv. Then when the song was over I thought I really like listening to music, why don't I do that more often? So I continued to listen to this new artist I found (Bon Iver) and so that is what I am currently doing.

This ignited thoughts I have been having a while about tv and movies. Am I too attached or have I made it habitat that when I am home, the tv is on? All I do when I am home is watch tv which makes me like the laziest person ever. I do enjoy using television to relax but I think after 3 episodes of Grey's I should be pretty relaxed. I don't have a hobby or anything else to do though. Hmmm...dilemma, huh?

Another thought I have is the influence tv and movies have on me. I basically for all my life have wanted my life to be like a tv or movie. Who doesn't? I remember once arguing with my dad I had to do something because thats what they did in the movies and he said the movies isn't real life and it doesn't happen like that. I distinctly remembering telling myself that I will make my life be like a movie. Of course I want the romantic comedy kind, not the violent thriller. It has been said that you create your life with your thoughts and actions, so why not have the scenes of a movie take place in your own life. It would be ideal to have the big romantic gestures, the very attractive and well dressed people, and everyone knowing what to say at the exact right times.

Its true what they say, you can't make plans in life. Who knows what will happen. So my plan right now is not to have a plan and hope that my life could have been a movie :-)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Life moves pretty fast. if you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.

So this week will make it 7 months since graduation. Holy shit, how did that happen? My last blog had similar thoughts but that was like 2 months ago and I am still in shock. My life in the past 7 months has been a blur. No day is like any other day which in a way is good. I can never tell a Saturday from a Wednesday unless I am around television with all the football games on. Its weird not to have really weekends any more. I do still get excited about weekend because all my friends who have normals schedules go out on the weekends. I don't want to sound like I am complaining, I am simply observing my abnormal schedule.

The title of this entry is a quote from the one and only Ferris Bueller. However it is how I feel right now. When I look back at the year 2009, the only thing that really stands out is graduation. I did go to California in October so that broke up my mundane schedule. However nothing else stands out. I have photos to capture good times had with friends but there weren't any real adventures had. When I was in Chile I had an adventure almost every day. Why can't I bring in that same curiosity to my life now? I would love to go to plays, concerts, and day trips right here in North Carolina but its hard to break out of my schedule and find people to accompany me.

I will be bringing in the new year in Denver with two of funnest people I know so 2010 will start off with a bang, hopefully. 2009 was just a bridge to the this new life of a non student and hopefully I have crossed that bridge and in 2010 I will be on the other side.

Again, this blog isn't really for entertaining you, but more entertaining myself. Happy Holidays!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Did that really happen?

So as my 22nd birthday approached, happened, and disappeared like writing in the sand I have done a little reflecting of events in my life...

First off I have to remind myself every day that I am 22 years old. I like the number so I hope its a good year. When I was about 6 years old I went to my cousin's wedding, he was 22 when he got married and I thought that was so old so I said that sounds like a good age to get married. Little did I know how not so old it is and 99% it won't be happening this year.

I often have to remind myself that I have graduated college, like seriously...I have a degree? I suppose my daily events aren't a very good reminder of this accomplishment.

Little things remind me of my days in Chile. Just certain songs, or my ability to carry on full conversations in Spanish, or the great memories I have with the amazing friends I made there who I miss dearly. But again, often I have to be like, seriously...I lived in Chile for 5 months? I got a map for my birthday and put it up on my wall pronto because I just love to look at the map of the world and see all the different places I have been or want to go. I looked at Punta Arenas where I went backpacking in Patagonia and I was like "oh my God, I was so close to Antartica!"

Anyways, So little update on my life:

The International Festival is this coming weekend!!! I hope everything goes well. In case you didn't know, I am interning with them and helping with all the planning. Its like my ideal job except I am not getting paid. I should be at the festival the whole weekend so if you go there you should definitely find me! I have no idea where I will be but should have my cell on me.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Taking Risks

So my life is happening whether I like it or not, whether I am fully participating or not. So I have realized I need to make my life happen the way I want it to. I can't just wait around for something to happen. I need to take risks, do things that scare me, take me out of my comfort zone. This way I will experience life and get to know myself more and more each day.

I am somewhat lacking the motivation and ideas of what types of risks to take. So I ask you, what do you suggest I do? Any ideas to make my life more interesting and fun? Keep in mind I am on a small budget and need to plan for any large scale adventure since my "three jobs" keep me occupied daily.

Hope we can share a risk together ;-)